Food in Italia

I knew food in Italy would be different, but I don't think I knew just how much different it would be...

Everything is smaller here. Italians/Europeans don't call us fat Americans for nothing. :) My goal today and yesterday, since its been a diluge of rain the whole time I've been here, was to make cookies with Mattia. We tried yesterday, but got too busy playing Magic Carpet Ride, needless to say, we did not have time. Lunch today Simona made Quiche. It was pretty good, but it needed Ketchup. I really like Ketchup on absolutely everything, so this wasn't any different. So I go to get the ketchup out of the fridge...and well its different. It's smaller. Just like everything else. The Mayonnaise is not in a big jar like it is at home, but in a small tube. We also needed chocolate chips for the cookies and instead of a huge bag of Nestle Tollhouse there's a little box of chocolate chips. I also thought the vanilla was extremely interesting. Instead of the plastic bottle of vanilla, this came in glass vials. The butter is also smaller. Just take a look . . .

Also one thing that is totally different is the coffee. While at work I would have at least one, sometimes two cups, of the Green Mountain Coffee with vanilla, or hazelnut creamer. Here the coffee is espresso. Tiny small cups. You drink them like a shot...I would love for some Wild Blueberry Green Mountain Coffee. :)

The Cookies We made...BELLA! All the relatives liked them. I guess I'm competition now for best cook! HAHA...I don't think that will ever happen.

4 Response to "Food in Italia"

  1. Aaron Says:
    November 8, 2011 at 8:06 AM

    You're such a little traveler!

  2. Anonymous Says:
    November 8, 2011 at 11:45 AM

    LOL...your dad and I were talking about Christmas for you, what we would send...we thought a care package of things you are missing...this blog gives me all types of ideas. I am beaming with pride for you!!!!! You are my hero, so brave and seemingly embracing this adventure God has you on! Love ya, Jeanne

  3. Anonymous Says:
    November 9, 2011 at 11:35 PM

    You made them chocolate chip cookies!! What a great idea!! Gill I love reading your blog and seeing your pictures. You are a true adventurer and explorer of life. I salute you. And I miss you!!! love, Bek

  4. Aunt Beverly Says:
    November 10, 2011 at 1:03 PM

    I bet Mattia just loves you! That's like the coffee in Puerto Rico - one cup just isn't enough for us :-)

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