Well it's over folks. The Big Game has been completed. And that's what it is. A big huge game. Both teams gear up for the big day trying to win as many fans as possible. Money is spent, people rally together, there's a huge scoreboard on the big day in red and blue colors. The game has live coverage all day on all major networks. I'm very competitive. You can ask anybody. If I play a board or card game and lose I'm mad for the whole night. It's not a quality I like about myself, but it just is what it is. So when my team lost the big "game", I hate to admit, but I cried. I sat on my couch and cried like a baby. Fox News tried to give a glimmer of hope in triple overtime that the opposing team didn't just win the 18 points it needed, but alas, it was in fact true. Not only did the other team win, oh no. My home State kicked me while I was down and decided to give their 13 points to the other team as well. What has happened to the Old Dominion State? I thought Virginia was for Lovers, not for individuals who want to turn our Christian founded nation to Socialism?
I hate politics. I've never been passionate about them, and I don't intend to be, but I do always exercise my right to vote as a citizen of the United States. Small election, big election, school board election, doesn't matter, I vote. Too many lives have been lost for me not to. I don't swallow the bull of "I exercise my right not to vote." It's pure laziness. I'll get off my soap box in a second, but apathy is inexusable. I don't buy it.
My heart was heavy last night. I couldn't sleep. I shouldn't have stayed up to watch the live coverage of one of the biggest games America experiences where the winner remains champion for the next four years. I shouldn't have done it, but I did. I was absolutely abysmal this morning at work. I felt bad, but I couldn't get out of the funk I was in. Any celebratory comments made me want to puke (like I said, very competitive). I didn't want to deal with customers or people, so I asked if I could work in the kitchen for the day. The fact that I'm PMSing probably doesn't help the situation either. The whole situation makes me tired. Tired and angry. Not going to lie, I wanted to be the one to gloat. I wanted to be the one that could say, "Look at my team! We won! We pulled it in triple overtime when you didn't think it could happen." As much as I wanted to say that come the morning of November 7th, I couldn't because well, we lost.

As I drove through the streets of downtown Niagara Falls to pick up a library book, I drove past 7 different houses where there were more than 3 people sitting on each front porch at 1:00 in the afternoon. An immediate red flag went up. "Why aren't these people at work?" I thought to myself. Now I do love to have a good porch sit, but everyday I couldn't do. I work during the day. I wasn't at work on this particular day because I had the day off. Were my tax dollars paying to allow these individuals to sit on their front porch and do nothing? Like I said...it's MADDENING!!
After all my ranting and raving I'll leave you with this . . .
George Washington's Farewell address on Political Parties:

“It serves to distract the Public Councils,
and enfeeble the Public Administration....
agitates the Community with ill-founded
jealousies and false alarms; kindles the
animosity of one.... against another....
it opens the door to foreign influence and
corruption... thus the policy and the will
of one country are subjected to the policy
and will of another.”
2 Thessalonians 3:10 - "For even when we were with you, we gave you this rule: “The one who is unwilling to work shall not eat."
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