I might seem a little harsh by saying the absolute WORST of humanity, but whenever a huge group of people descend on one place, the worst of humanity seems to come out. Add 80,000 people plus alcohol plus football and you got yourself a people watching smorgasbord. I loooovveee people watching! It has always been one of my favorite past times, and when you have a best friend who shares that same love, well it's what you do together.
Best Soup EVER! |
I have never attended a Professional NFL football game, so when the opportunity arose to go with my family to a night Buffalo Bills game vs. the Miami Dolphins I was all for it. I have a list of 30 things to do before 30 and go to an NFL game is on there. I was thrilled! We decided to skip the tailgating aspect of the game and head for this place called Pearl Street in Downtown Buffalo. Greta and I went there a couple of weekends ago and I LOVED this place! I got the beer cheese soup which was seriously out of this world! I can't wait to go back. After our amazing meal we headed towards Orchard Park and the Ralph Wilson stadium. We got stuck in traffic of course. We all knew that was going to happen. As we neared the stadium we
Gurt & I at Pearl Street |
came across house after house offering up their lawn as a sacrifice for $15 bucks a car to park. These poor lawns were all wheel marked and torn up but hey, if you were able to park 15 cars on your lawn for 15 bucks a pop that's some pretty good profit ($225 bucks to be exact) :). Not sure if I would risk trashing my lawn for $225 bucks, but ya never know. The holidays are approaching. Our goal was to get out of traffic as quick as possible upon exiting the stadium so we took one of the farthest houses away from the stadium meaning we would have to walk a mile through drunken tailgaters. This is gonna be fun. Prime people watching time.

As we're walking through the mayhem of the tailgaters we pass these two guys who are just standing by the road kinda doing the drunken stand weave. You know what I'm talking about. Well as Gurt and I passed him he screams, "Let's Go Buffalo" so I replied very loudly with 4 loud grunts that kinda went with his tune. Greta just thought that was hilarious and went to pieces. We passed people having bonfires, people fighting, people blaring music out of their vehicles. It was all pretty exciting. Once we got to the stadium it was time for security/pat down. This big black lady who was working security made me throw my water bottle out. I was very disappointed. I guess she thought I was going to chuck it at someone's head. Instead I had to buy a $4.50 water bottle from the concession stand where they wouldn't give you a lid. I guess with the lid on it's more of a missile. People.
Aunt Bevy and Her Poster |
As we walked to our seats I got the first glimpse of what is The Ralph Wilson Stadium. It was pretty awe inspiring I must say. It seats about 80,000 people and is just plain huge. We were going to the sold out night game, so even arriving an hour early there were people everywhere. Since Sunday was Veterans Day they did a big salute to veterans where we as the fans had to do what is called, a "Card Trick." Our section was the letter "U" in the signs that said, "Thank
Me and my part of the "U" |
You Veterans". Pretty cool. But these big posters would prove to a problem later on. There was a huge flag that was rolled out that took up the entire 100 yards of the field. It made me proud to be American in my heart. The game began with the Bills in the first minute scoring a touchdown by a kickoff return. All the fans were on their feet and it was kinda amazing. I was not disappointed with my first NFL Football game. That's for sure! The only thing I was disappointed about was the price of water which was $4.50 a bottle. Talk about price gouging.
Me and my cousin Heidi |
My cousin and I were having a good old time throughout the game, dancing to songs, and just being stupid. That was until one of those cardboard posters that we had used at the beginning of the game turned into a paper airplane and hit my cousin Greta right in the neck. Now Greta is a lovable gill but she can be very dramatic at times and this time was no exception. She turns around and screams, "Who did that!?! That freakin hurt?!? I'm gonna come back there and punch whoever did that in the face." By this time we had a little crowd of onlookers to witness my cousin's rant. I could feel the heat rising to my face and awash of red take over. I simply turned around and tried
Gurt & I |
to ignore the situation as I wish little Gurt would've done. Five minutes later, Greta was still complaining about her neck throbbing due to the paper airplane. Five minutes after that I got hit in the shoulder, and about two minutes after that the guy in front of me got hit in the head. I was starting to see a pattern and Greta was getting even more furious about the whole thing. That's when I put two and two together. It's like when you're kids and your brother or sister does something really annoying like poking you constantly. If you react and they can get a rise out of you, they continue to do it. If you ignore them, they stop. It was the same with the drunken idiots 5 rows behind us. Greta gave them a show and they liked what they saw, so they continued to aim their stupid paper airplanes in our direction. By the time the game was finished we had about 15 paper airplanes all around our seats. Who does that? Seriously?
WE WON!!! |
The end resulted in a win which we were hoping for. Although Buffalo only got one touchdown the entire game, the rest were field goals. Final score was Buffalo 19-14 Miami. As we were exiting the Ralph Wilson stadium, we were able to witness some of the "humanity" I was talking about earlier. One woman screaming the "F" word about how they've been waiting 15 Fing minutes to get out of the parking lot. Umm...get over yourself. You're probably going to be waiting a LOT longer. Read a book! There were guys falling down drunk everywhere. Which was kinda funny. Not gonna lie. A group of four guys were riding in their car and the one dude was so excited the Bills won he kept screaming "F**K!!!" out of his window with a huge smile on his face. Is it just me or isn't there other words to describe your excitement? Needless to say it made my Aunt, cousin and I laugh. The amount of litter that was all over the place was enough to make a person wretch. It seriously looked like a scene from WALL-E where the earth was just torn apart and crap and disgusting litter was everywhere. I was appalled! Also on our walk back, a guy in front of us bought several ounces of weed from a car that was stuck in traffic. Nice. Once we walked back to the random house who's lawn we parked on, they lit the back yard by one of those mosquito torches steadied by a huge pile of leaves. Did the owner really think that was smart? Put an open flame in the midst of a huge pile of dry leaves while drunk people walk all around there? Not the brightest crayon in the box I would say.
All in all it was a great time. Loved the time with my fam, loved the football, and most of all the people watching. It wasn't till the next day we learned that one of those drunken nut cases ended up in a ravine after the game dead. Pretty sad, but I guess he was ejected from the game for being really really publicly drunk. His brother reported him missing and the next day...bam...in the gutter. Kinda sad. I'm ready to do it all over again this SUNDAY! Bills vs. Jacksonville Jags at 1:00! One of our nice customers, Jeff, gave me four of his season tickets on the 30 yard line a couple rows back. Can we say...NICE!! Can't wait!
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