A Year Ago Today

What were you doing a year ago today?  I know exactly where I was and what I was doing which is not normal for me.  Most of the time I don't know what I did yesterday. But a year ago today sticks out in my mind like a sore thumb.  It's crazy to me that a year ago today I was sitting in the Raleigh International Airport headed for London Heathrow to await another airplane which would take me to Milan Linate and start my journey as an Au Pair.  Looking back I can't believe I got up the courage to fly by myself to a foreign country where I knew no one, they didn't speak my language, and let's not forget the fact I was alone.  My father always called me his "little scarity cat" who always wanted to stay at home, but I've since gotten the travel bug and get cabin fever if I'm at home too long.  Now all I want to do is travel and get away, but money always seems to get in the way of things.  Isn't it always the way?

The experiences I've taken away from being in Italy for 7 months and being in England for 3 are times I would not trade for anything else in the world.  I had the opportunity to meet people all over the globe and not one would I ever take back.  Even though some of my experiences didn't always have a fairy tale ending, like I said I wouldn't trade any of it.  Many of the people I've met overseas I still keep in contact with which is fortunate for me!  Free places to stay all over the globe! :)  I just wanted to take this time, if not anything but for myself to reminisce on some of the amazing times I had through pictures.  I can't wait to have enough money saved to go on my next adventure.  Right now I'm just working at the Orange Cat in Lewiston but that presents a new experience every day only in a little less adventurous form.  Here's some pics!

First time rolling homemade Italian Ravioli
First Moped ride around the city of Genova

New Year's Eve in the Conga with the girls.  Will NEVER forget this night!

First visit to Sestri Levante
Manaraola - Village #4 of the Cinque Terre

Absolutely amazing snow in Prato Nevoso

Snow Fever nights with the girls
All the times hanging with Mattia

Wine Tour in the Alba Countryside on St. Patrick's Day

Pirate Night at Snow Fever
Movie Moment night in Cuneo

Wisteria and Sunshine in the Italian Riviera

Megan and I visit Portofino & Via Del Amor
The Mediterranean

Skiing Mt. Cervino with Mattia and Simona

Road Trip Across the Tuscan Countryside
"White Night" in Firenze

Simona and I Tour Milano

Parigi!  One of the best trips ever
Jen comes to visit and we spend Carnevale in Venezia

Lots of good times in ITALIA! 

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