Not only do these two words look very very similar, they are extremely confusing to a newcomer in the U.K. At home French fries, are well, French Fries, and chips are well, crispy salty wonderful little pieces of potato. Also known as potato chips. No confusion there. Not sure which British man decided to give the name crisps to potato chips and chips to French fries, but I have ordered on several occasions the wrong thing. It's frustrating when you want a piping fresh hot plate of french fries dipped in ketchup and other wonderful sauces, and come to find out you get a bag of

regular old Walker's potato chips (British version of Lays). Crisps in the States are normally a nice fruity little dessert covered in brown sugar, flour, and other delectable little things like vanilla and almond. You have apple crisp, cherry crisp, blackberry crisp, etc. normally served with a big spoonful of vanilla ice cream. So how can a crisp be a potato chip? You see my dilemma here? It is definitely confusion central and I'm hoping by the end of the summer I will have it down. Although that won't really matter, seeing as I'll be back home in the States. Oh the IRONY!
June 21, 2012 at 3:27 PM
That must be why we went to war with those people