For the past several days Mattia and I have been going outside, taking sticks, and whacking down all the dandelions that are still white. You know the ones I'm talking about with the seeds still on them? I seriously have just as much fun as he does. I don't know what it is about destroying stuff, but it's just fun. Jess was coming up from Sestri with Valeria for the day as all the ski instructors were meeting in Prato. Her and I were going to tool around the Alba area since Mattia's Nonne were also coming up from Genova. When Jess arrived I decided to show her the little road that Mattia and I frequently walk/bike down. It's this little gravel road that leads out into gorgeous fields which are surrounded by mountains. It's probably my favorite place in Villanova. This began our morning adventure.
Jungle Killer at Work |
We each selected a stick and started striking down all the dandelions. The fields were full of them! Jess was all about it too and we were all having a blast. At one point in time Mattia seemed to be getting bored so he turned into the foreman and started yelling, "Work, WORK!!" at Jess and I. No problem Master! It was really funny at the moment. Since we pretty much wiped out all the dandelions in one of the fields we decided to walk down this old road. On our way, the three of us turned into explorers. We gave each other explorer names and for the rest of the morning we were to be referred to as such. If you used our real names, we wouldn't respond. Mattia was dubbed as "Jungle Killer". He received powers when he struck down all the terrible vegetation that was growing in our way. Jess was given the name of "Tree
Jungle Killer & Tree Hugger
Hugger". She's a vegetarian so it seemed to fit. :) She received powers by hugging trees. I started out as being "Wind Rider", but after awhile the name didn't seem to do our exploration justice. In order for my name to be changed Tree Hugger and Jungle Killer had to put their sticks on my shoulders as I knelt. Haha....my name was then changed to Bush Whacker which seemed to suit our exploration better. In our adventure we came across a ton of bees in their little boxes where it looked like someone was gathering honey. We soon got out of there as none of us had the power not to get stung.
Mattia by the Lake of Nonsense |
On our walk it seemed that Jungle Killer needed to go number two. We tried to seek shelter for him in the Woods of Glory, but alas the woods were full of mosquitoes. None of us escaped unharmed. In
the Woods of Glory however, we found these magic tiles. They were
actually beautiful blue Italian tiles that someone had smashed all over
the road. I thought it might make a cool craft project, so we collected all we could. Not sure where they
are now though. All of us explorers were starting to get tired, and our powers were waning. We had to cross one more obstacle on our way back to our "ship" (which was the house). This obstacle was the Lake of Nonsense. I seriously just came up with these names on the fly and they were a little ridiculous. But still fun. :) We crossed passed the Lake of Nonsense with no problem, although we heard some crazy creature screeching at us. I think it might have been a bull frog. We finally it made it back to the ship where the Nonne were awaiting our arrival. I have to say it was a pretty fun morning. Jess kept saying that if she were five she would've absolutely loved it. But I'm 24 and she's 25 and I think we both enjoyed it as much as Mattia. Whoopsy!
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