
So you just might be wondering about my title and if you’re not I’m going to tell you anyway. :) Megan and I are going to Paris in May and we decided to do the Cinque Terre this past weekend. Hence this weekend is our Prelude to Paris. The guy Megan is seeing texted her and was just like, “Megan, why do you go to the most romantic places with Allison? First Paris and now the Cinque Terre?” I actually didn’t know the Cinque Terre was supposed to be romantic, but then once we got there they have this whole trail called “La Via dell’Amore”, which pretty much translates to “The Walk of Love.” Whoopsy! Haha…sorry Ivan!

Anyway, I met Megan at the train station. She was coming from Alba which was about a 3 ½ hour train ride. I only had about a 20 minute ride to Monterosso, the first town of the Cinque Terre. We made it there and seriously you can’t get any better than the Mediterranean. The water is soooo BLUE! We wandered around and found our hotel called “Albego Carugio”. Not the best location but it was only 75 Euros a night and split two ways that was pretty sweet. It also was right next to a lemon orchard which was so pretty! Our “romantic” weekend started with Andre

a, the hotel owner and nicest man ever, telling us that he didn’t know we needed twin beds, so we had to have a queen. Just our luck. Oh well…it’s been done before. After dropping our stuff off we headed for the train, but first we had to grab something to drink because we were parched! We took the train to the last Cinque Terre town called, “Riomaggiore”. This place was absolutely beautiful. They all are, but Rio wasn’t affected by any of the flooding in October like Vernazza and Monterosso experienced.

Riomaggiore starts the trail of the Via dell’Amore. The walk was simply beautiful. To start the trail they had locks all over the gate. Something about putting a lock on the Via dell’Amore cements your love forever I guess. While I walked it, I wondered

how many of these couples who plastered their names and sayings over the cement wall, or put up locks on the trail were actually still together. It would be an interesting study to perform. Maybe I’ll have to track them down and find out. :) The trail went right by the ocean and like I said, was STUNNING! It was funny walking the trail of love with Megan. Haha...we

took a pic on the little "love seat" looking lost and alone. Nice. Once we reached

the end of the trail we were in Manarola. I had already been to Manarola back in January with Jess, but I was glad to be back again. Unfortunately, due to the flooding in October, the trail from Manarola to Corniglia was closed. Too many landslides I guess. It started to rain on us, so Megan and I grabbed a piece of Focaccia and hung out till it ceased. We spent about an hour there and then hopped the train to Corniglia.

Corniglia is unique in the 5 fishing villages because it’s the only one without direct access to the sea. We had to climb 389 steps to the top. Megan made two friends from the Netherlands. She was obsessed with Cleo, a very huge dog, and her owner nine year old Leaf. Leaf didn’t know English, only Dutch, so I don’t think they had much of a friendship. Once we got to the top, the town was so quaint. I kinda loved it. We bought gelato at a little place and tried to trek down to the sea. That was a stupid idea since we only had an hour and we already climbed 389 steps up the top that we would have t

o climb back down again in order to catch our train. We just wandered around everywhere. Megan wandered onto some woman’s private B&B which was so funny. The lady called down from the window “Chi sei?” Meaning who are you? Megan replied, “No, lo so” (I don’t know) and just ran away. It started to sprinkle again so we took cover in one of the beautiful little doorways. Waited out the rain and RAN to the train down all 389 stairs. We were pretty breathless once we got to the station.

We then headed to the fourth town which was called Vernazza. The trail from Corniglia to Vernazza was also closed due to mudslides. Bummer. Vernazza was hit the worst by the flooding in October. There were doors that were painted everywhere in order to try and “beautify” all the ugly construction and condemned buildings. It was really quite sad. Of course Megan and I had to take pictures mimicking the pictures painted on the doors. This never really gets old. I’m hoping that wasn’t too disrespectful. I don’t think anyone was actually killed in the flooding, so I think we were okay. Even though the town was just recovering from the flooding it was still beautiful. Megan and I took lots of pics on the dock doing Yoga poses and other crazy weird stuff. We met two really nice girls from China. Asian people are so kind.

After our hour long visit in Vernazza we headed back to Monterosso. Before we got back to our hotel, we climbed this huge rock that was in the sea and took pics of ourselves pretending to be mermaids. The occasion just called for it.We were so incredibly tired from all of our walking, we took a nap and rested when we got back. When we woke up it was dinner time!! I really am getting use to eating dinner at 9:00 at night. I like the habit and I’m hoping to continue it once I return back to the States. It’s just relaxing. When we were in Ireland they stopped serving dinner at 9. Here in Italy, that’s when dinner is just getting started. Italians know how to do things. We ate at this place called, “Ristorante Da Ely” and it was divine. Andrea, the hotel guy, gave us the recommendation and said if we mentioned he sent us, we’d get a sconti! Aka Discount! Much more of a reason to go. I ordered the 4 Formaggio

pizza. Bleu cheese, Mozzarella, Feta, and Gorgonzola. HEAVEN! The pizza was so good! Then Megan and I ordered this cherry apple torte thing to split for dessert. Well it was so good we ordered another. While we were in the restaurant, it was Good Friday and they had this cool procession like thing from the church where a priest walked around carrying a cross covered in a white shroud. I went to the window to watch. After our scrumptious dinner we walked back to the hotel and crashed! It was just a wonderful wonderful day! I couldn’t wait for tomorrow to come even though we really didn’t have a plan for what we were doing. Sometimes that’s the best way to do things. Just flying by the seat of our pants . . .

Monterosso al Mare


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