After Jess and I's night on the town we were the laziest little things that ever lived. We woke up at 11:00 am and did absolutely nothing. Then we decided, "Hey let's go to Florence." Jess messaged her friend Meghan who was actually Simona's Au Pair from two years ago. I heard some of Jess's stories and I really wanted to meet Meghan. Set off in the Zom mobile around 4:00 when we wanted to leave at 2. Like I said, we were really really Lazy! We actually weren't going to Florence for Sunday night because Meghan was going to her boyfriend's house in Prato which is right outside of Florence. It was weird going from Prato Nevoso, to Prato.
Meghan & Jess being busy |

We got to Prato and I have never seen more Chinese people in one place! Come to find out China had a bunch of factories here and the people just stayed. They just changed the law 2 years ago that Italian had to be spoken and taught in the schools. Crazy. I haven't seen one Chinese person since I've been in Italy and here I was practically in Little China. After meeting Meghan and her boyfriend Ricky in this Mega mall parking lot that had an H&M (Jess and I were too broke to even spend any money) we followed them to the place that we'd be staying. Now Prato is an older city where there's a medieval wall around the center of it. Ricky lived in the middle.
Our beautiful meal |
We followed them, but then we accidentally passed them. We thought we could just make a box following all the one way streets back to the house, but alas we could not. Jess and I got super lost and were about 15 minutes away from the house by the time everything was said and done. Ricky and Meghan had to rescue us from the Police station and hospital that we found ourselves at. That night we had a lovely dinner, but both Meghan and Jess are vegetarians so it was a no meat kinda week. We all pitched into cut veggies for the vegetarian lasagna. It was actually really good and Ricky made these amazing potatoes. He's actually a very good cook and Meghan and him were such a cute little couple. I approve Meghan! I approve. :)
Veggie Cutting is Hard |
I will say that I was a little nervous staying at the house though for several reasons. Number one being I have never met Meghan in my life and I wanted her to like me! Number two, her boyfriend and his two roommates were Albanian. I have no problems with Albanians. I met a lot of nice ones since I've been here in Italy, but ever since I saw the movie "Taken" I can't get the bad Albanians out of my mind. I just have never met any of them, but I was stupid, because it was perfectly fine. Ricky was as nice as he could be and the roommates didn't really even talk to Jess or I. Then we ran into some problems with sleeping. Not anything terrible. No complaints here, but problem number one though was, we slept on this pull out couch that I thought was comfortable
Jess looking crazed |
but was really super small to fit two people. Jess and I were pretty squished, especially since we tried not to touch one another while sleeping. Very cramped. Number two the apartment was pretty hot in the evening so we had to open the window. Normally window opening is fine with me, but tonight the mosquitoes were out and ready to attack. One thing about mosquitoes and myself is that they absolutely LOVE me. I'm not bragging about this Not one bit because it's awful. As I lay there in the little bed I could feel them biting my face as I tried to sleep. So I put the covers over my head and tried to get some shut eye. Problem with this was, I left my hand outside of the sheet as I tried to hold it over my head. I fell asleep finally but when I woke up in the morning my hand and wrist was covered with bug bites. I had 7 on my right hand. They were murderous itchy but what can you do!? They feasted on my flesh while I was trying to have a goodnight sleep. Dang mosquitoes!!
May 9, 2012 at 6:41 AM
I'm sorry about the couch!!!! but not so sorry anymore after that horrid picture you posted of me. Also didn't realize Taken had albanians in it.. oops, that could be scary!
May 12, 2012 at 2:13 PM
Meghan it is not a horrible picture and the couch was FINE!! Haha...and yes watch Taken. The Albanians are the ones that take her. :)