10 Reasons Why I wish I was a Guy (Sometimes)

The title of this post is a little odd. I will be the first to admit it. But as a little girl, for all you females out there, did you ever wish you were a boy? I know I did and maybe still do just a little. I had an older brother and older brothers tend to be pretty influential. I am also a sucker for a good list. So I decided to come up with a list of reasons I wish I was a guy. Don't get me wrong, I am happy being female. There are plenty of perks to the finer sex, but if I got the chance to walk the world for one day in the shoes of a man...I'd jump at the opportunity. So here goes the list:

#1 - Guys get to Pee standing up
Most men totally take this little gem for granted. And I know that if I were a guy I probably would do the same. But boys, do I envy you.
#2 - Guys don't have to go to baby, bridal, lingerie (you name it) showers
Not going to lie. I hate showers. They are pretty awkward for the most part and you have to sit and watch someone open a million gifts that are not for you. It really isn't fun.
#3 - Guys can travel alone
Okay. Okay! I know girls can do this alone too. But it's pretty unsafe and most father's would not let their little baby girls do this. Just the way it is.
#4 - Guys don't have to birth babies
This list is in no particular order. But if it was, this would be at the top of the list. No pain. No 8 lb baby coming out of a hole the size of a pee. Nope nope...guys just get to hit it and quit it. Excuse me, but it's true. Not fair.
#5 - Guys don't have to worry about rape (for the most part)
This one speaks for itself. No explanation needed.
#6 - Guys don't have to worry about PMS and what comes after
No monthly visitor. Must be real nice.
#7 - Guys don't have to worry about weight
This might not be completely accurate. But guys definitely do not need to be as concerned about their image as girls. We're constantly worried about our weight and what we look like. It's all part of the curse.
#8 - Guys can be forwarad
Girls can't just go around asking out guys. It's just no right. But guys can. And they do. And it's not fair.
#9 - Guys don't have to shower as much
Females are the daintier sex. They must smell good, shave their legs, and armpits. Guys can get away without showering because they just can because their guys.
#10 - Guys do not have to wear makeup
There might be opposition to this one due to the fact that girls don't HAVE to wear makeup either. A lot of my girlfriends look just as good if not better without makeup, but there is pressure to wear it, so we do. Plus a little mascara can do wonders. :)

Okay so I just thought of Number 11 Which is....

#11 - Guys have a much easier time getting roles in shows. I love theater but girls are a dime a dozen! Guys can get in them much easier. So I guess we have to say its 11 reasons why I wish I was a guy.
So here's my list of 10 no 11 reasons why I would want to be a guy. Don't worry I'm not having a sex change anytime soon. It just would be cool for one day.

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