101 Reasons I HATE Winter

Okay so I couldn't come up with 101 but I did come up with 38. Not bad. Just not bad at all. I'm so glad that spring is soon approaching!!!

1.) Darkness. Getting off work at 5:00 in the dark is one of the most depressing things.
2.) Dry Skin. I go through lotion like nobody's business
3.) Wearing Bulky Winter Clothes
4.) Slipping on Ice
5.) Being cold even when indoors
6.) Dirty/Black Snow
7.) Chapped Lips
8.) Nature Dies
9.) Dirty snow mounds that last for weeks in shopping mall parking lots
10.) Dangerous Road Conditions
11.) Winterizing Your Car
12.) Having to scrape ice off of the car in the morning
13.) Shoveling the Driveway
14.) Having snow but not a snow day - Work must go on.
15.) Having a constant runny nose when outdoors.
16.) Static Electricity – Getting Shocked is the worst
17.) Being Pale – I refuse to go tanning so I’m stuck with looking like a ghost all winter
18.) Weight gain – This tends to happen more in the winter since I am not as active.
19.) Can’t go swim in the lake after work unless I want to freeze my butt off
20.) Cannot read outside in the park
21.) Can only do indoor picnics and not ones outside in the sunshine
22.) Can’t drive with the windows down
23.) Comfy summer clothes (flip-flops, sundresses, shorts, etc.) cannot be worn
24.) Outdoor walks or runs can’t be down comfortably
25.) The sky is ALWAYS gray
26.) Freezing Rain
27.) Salt crusts to the car
28.) 18-Wheelers fling crud on the car when driving (dirty snow, ice, salt water, etc.)
29.) Electric bill is higher due to heating costs
30.) Dangerous walk ways
31.) Windburn
32.) Have to buy more expensive winter apparel
33.) Lack of color – everything seems gray
34.) Wet feet when suede boots are worn
35.) Getting into a freezing car
36.) Waiting for the car to warm up
37.) Flu Season
38.) Increase in laundry due to bigger clothes – take up more space in the washer

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