After all my train, bus and plane travels, I met Megan at
the airport after getting off my Ryanair flight to Paris Beauvais. This airport was terrible. I mean the tickets were only 15 Euro so I
couldn’t complain, but I have never seen a more awful airport. It was just a big warehouse and reminded me
somewhat of prison. The bus we took into
the Paris city center cost the same exact amount as my flight from Torino to
Paris. This takes me to the bus ride…
First of all the bus was completely silent. It’s interesting traveling from Italy to
Paris. Italians are bigger than life and
seem to be friendly with everyone. Loud,
hand gesturing Italians. French people
on the other hand are not that way. It
was so weird to be sitting in the silent bus.
Megan and I must’ve been the loudest people on there. I guess we fit the bill for the obnoxious
Americans. Whoopsy! Secondly there was an oral surgeon on the
bus. This might not sound like a problem
to most of you, but when he’s sitting in an aisle seat on his laptop looking at
what looks like the mouths of the worst people in the world, it is a problem! I was courteously looking at Megan when she
was talking to me on the bus. She was on
the aisle and I was by the window meaning I had a clear shot of bloody
toothless mouths. I thought for a moment
I was going to be sick when he started watching a video of a tooth extraction
where the tooth was just hanging there wiggling back and forth with air they
were blowing on it. I don’t understand
why anyone would want to go into that line of work, because it was seriously
disgusting. Like gaggy.
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