Do not ever trust They . . . whoever, "they" are, are absolute liars! Megan and I planned our entire Paris trip by using this little website. We put our Paris plans in the hands of and we got our hands slapped. From it's predictions 2 days before our trip, we saw that Thursday May 10th would be rainy & gross, and Friday May 11th, was suppose to be sunny & beautiful. Thursday we had planned all our indoor activities such as the Louvre, the Orsay Museum, and the Basilica of the Sacred Heart. Attractions that in poor weather wouldn't be a problem doing. Friday was everything outdoor which consisted of the Palace of Versailles, the Eiffel Tower, etc. Thanks to our absolutely flawless planning, Thursday was 86 degrees and sunny, and Friday was 58 degrees and rainy. Just perfect for roaming the grounds of Versailles. I. Was. Bummed.
The Extensive Grounds |
I have had a fascination with the Versailles Palace every since I saw the movie, the "Man in the Iron Mask". I've always been fascinated with the French Revolution and the history of Marie Antoinette. I also studied the Palace of Versailles at University for my Interior Design degree. So needless to say I was stoked about seeing it, but the weather was really dampening my spirits, and also my shoes. Megan and I didn't plan too well for rain. I was wearing canvas shoes and neither of us had a rain coat or umbrella. That's when I found my little savior of a cardboard box that was lying on the road on the walk to Versailles. It kept my head and body dry for awhile, but since cardboard is just heavy paper, it started to kind of melt into this big paper bag wad. By that time though we were at the golden gates of Versailles.
The Golden Gates of Versailles |
Megan & I in the Hall of Mirrors |
Even though it was raining and gross I was still in awe. This place was spectacular just from the outside with all it's gold staring at you. A little intimidating, but absolutely gorgeous. Due to time constraints we
Queen's Chambers |
kind of had to fly through the castle, and Megan wouldn't let me get an
audio guide. Such a little meany! Haha...not really Megan, you were right we just didn't have time! It confirms the fact that I must go back and see it, so I can get all the facts the audio guide has to offer. My suggestion to anyone who would go, is to definitely save a whole day for this puppy. We only had about 3 1/2 hours to do the entire house and grounds. I will also say about Versailles, is I have never seen so many Asians in one place. The rooms were large, but with the amount of people being stuffed into them, it got a little cramped. I absolutely loved the Hall of Mirrors and for some reason, I don't know how we missed the King's Chamber's. We only saw the Queens. I loved everything about the place and kept thinking to myself that I could totally live here!
La Petit Trianon Music Room |
Putting Holes in my Shoes |
After our walk through the castle we made our way to the grounds. I was set on seeing Marie Antoinette's quarters which is called La Petit Trianon. When we got there, after paying 6 Euro's for the tram, since we didn't want to walk all that way in the rain, it wasn't open until 12:00. That meant we had to wait another half an hour just to be admitted. My little heart was set on going, and even after putting up a bit of a fight, Megan relented and we waited. We were suppose to meet Megan's friend at like 1:30 at the Eiffel Tower,
so we were kind of cutting it close, but like I said, I HAD to see it. Of course while we waited we had to a do a bit of a photo shoot. I wanted to get this one pose where I was standing on the gate, but what I didn't realize is how sharp the little decorative gol d things were. I stood on them and they went right through my shoe and
into my sock. Lucky for me they didn't draw any blood. I loved the little Chateau but it just seemed so tiny in comparison to the grandeur of Versailles. We then found out that her friend would be late to the Eiffel, so we decided to grab some eats at this little cafe over looking the grounds. That's when we ran into Francois who was so Suave. :)

Frenchmen are a lot like Italian men in the way that they flirt and ooo and aaahh over you. We were beckoned into the restaurant by a nice little host who wouldn't stop giving Megan and I compliments. Found a table on the terrace outside and sat next to a nice little outdoor fire. Our waiter came up and just had a huge grin on his face. He didn't say a word. Just grinned. So we told him what we wanted to eat and drink.
Nutella Crepes & Omelet |
He nodded or shook his head in approval or disapproval with this weird grin on his face the WHOLE time. Megan and I were just laughing because it was absolutely hilarious. One time we were just sitting chatting to each other, he picks my camera up off the table, takes the picture of Megan and I, and then just leaves without a word. Bizarre. I ordered an egg and cheese omelet, with Nutella crepes and Darjeeling tea. The perfect afternoon delight.Our waiter kept watching us and every time we looked up at him he was just
Francois & Me |
staring across the patio with that silly grin on his face. He finally came up, after we had practically finished the entire meal, and started asking us questions about ourselves. Megan was a bit disappointed because it took away from the mystery. Such a little weirdy. :) He was super nice. Found out his name was Francois (pronounced Fran-swah) and that he had a motorcycle. He told me next time I'm in town he'll give me a tour of Paris from the back of his bike. Than he wrote down his number and we got a picture together where we look like lovers. Haha....Megan kept telling me that he loved me. Love at first sight? Hmm....maybe, but I don't think I'll be calling him any time soon.

After our lovely lunch, Megan and I were rejuvenated and of course had to do a photo shoot on the grounds. The gardens in Versailles are absolutely spectacular.We didn't have to much time to romp around, but we did our fair share of picture taking. There's a beautiful little lake on the grounds where you can go and take boats out on the water. Once we had seen all we could see on the grounds we headed off for the train station. By this time the rain had stopped, and we were all set to go to see Paris' most worldly recognized icon; The Eiffel Tower.

We hopped on the train to the Eiffel Tower. We couldn't see it once we
got off the train, but then it just opened up into this glorious
clearing, and there it was. Megan and I both kind of thought that it
really wasn't that beautiful. It's just this massive metal structure in
the middle of the city. It has its charm though, but I do realize why
the Parisians didn't really like it when it was first built. We didn't have that much time because we wanted to make it to the Musee d'Orsay before it closed. We couldn't find Megan's friend in sight so we got in line to take the stairs. It was about 800 stairs and 12 Euros cheaper verses taking the elevator. There was also only one elevator working so that pretty much made the decision

for us. Once we started we were all gung ho, but after about the first
100 stairs I started getting pretty tired & Megan did too. Whew. Once we made it to the second level though, the view was spectacular. I never realized how white the city of Paris was. We were able to see the Basilique du Sacre'-Coeur where we were yesterday, the place where Napoleon is buried, the Palais Royale, and pretty much the entire city view. We got some nice Orthodox Jews to take our picture and than we were on the move again. Megan was set on going to the Musee d'Orsay where I could really care less to go. I was in for a real treat though, and the museum was one of the highlights of our trip.

We took the train over to the Museum, and I must say that I
was absolutely blown away by this place.
I’m not really a “Museum” type of person, and after doing the Louvre, I
wasn’t really that interested in doing another one. We had already purchased the tickets though
and I wasn’t about to waste 8 Euros.
When we walked in, the whole museum is open since it was transformed
from an old train station. The painting
were absolutely phenomenal. I always
loved realism and impressionism, so this was a real treat. We met a couple from Missouri who were super
nice. We were viewing this gorgeous painting of Venus and after the couple had left, the lady came back and told us to view this painting. She said, "Girls, there is this painting over there (points over my shoulder) that is of a woman's (whispers) VAGINA." This was all said in a very VERY southern accent which made it even
more funny. "It is exremely extremely offensive, but you just gotta look at it. The veins in her leg are phenomenal. Just go look," she said. So of course Megan and I had to go look, and well she was right. Although the painting was very provacative it was so realistic it was a little odd standing in the museum and looking at it. The painting is called
L'Origine du Monde, meaning the origin of the world. Click on the link at your own risk! :)

As we made our way around the museum I was astounded at the amazing art work. One of my favorite parts of the museum was the Art Nouveau section. I loved this couch that seriously looked like it came out of The Cat in the Hat. So cool. We saw Monet and Van Gough. I snuck a picture of his self-portrait and didn't get caught by one of the guards. I'm smooth like that. We were only able to be there for about an hour as the museum closed at 6 but on our way out I bought myself a gorgeous painting of Paris for only 20 Euros. It was a real oil on canvas. He wanted 60 for it. I had no intention of buying but after I told him I was a poor Nanny, he kept knocking it down and finally came to 20 Euro. Umm...sold! Afterwards we went to the oldest planned Plaza in Paris which was in the Marais district. So cute and posh with lots of nice shops. Made some old drunk happy by just amusing him with our anecdotes. We're good at entertaining drunks. What can we say?
Being idiots in Marais District |
Les Bonnes Soeurs |
We went back to the hotel because we were two little tired things and took a nap and packed our stuff since we had to be up at 4:00 am. Then it was off to find somewhere to eat. The French are known for their amazing food, so we didn't want to waste our pick on a crummy place. We headed back to the Marais district and found this little place on the corner that had
Yummy Duck |
awards all over the door and was packed with people. It was called Les Bonnes
This is what 4 in the morning looks like
Soeurs and it was so good! We got this Avocado dip thing for an appetizer and I couldn't understand what any of the dishes were because they were in French. I ended up with this 22 Euro plate of duck that was out of this world good. I loved everything about this place. We wanted to eat dessert but didn't save up enough room. We also wanted to go to the Eiffel Tower at night, but we knew when to call it a night. Didn't get back to our hotel till after Midnight. Took about a 3 hour nap and then our cab was out to pick us up at 4:00 in the morning. It was freezing outside and he was driving like a maniac. We made it safe and sound though. Stood out in the cold, waited for our bus, and we were on our way back from Paris to Italy in a matter of no time! Paris you are amazing and I will return one day...hopefully with a lover this time! Haha....