Weirdest Holiday ever. La Befana is an Italian celebration that pretty much ends the Christmas Holidays. I think it revolves around when the wise men came to see baby Jesus but I'm not sure. I tried Googling and Wikepeding it, but I didn't find much information. All I gathered from the Italians is there's this weird ugly witch woman who rides around on her broom and fills the little kids socks with candy or coal depending on if they were bad or good. Its kind of like Christmas and Halloween mixed together. Really kind of strange.

The actual holiday takes place on January 6th but we had the celebration on La Befana Eve. The ski school did a torch light ski with all of the kiddies down the one slope that was open. It was cool to see all these lights flickering on the mountain. I don't know how the ski instructors do it, because number one you're in the dark and number two there's like 60 inexperienced kids coming right down behind you who are either falling all over the place, or just don't know what they're even doing. J. Berg played the part of Befana this year and skied down the mountain wearing this really ugly mask. I took over watching her charge, Beatrice, for the evening. She was so cute and kept trying to ride the Milka Cows

that the ski school set out. Beatrice started screaming her head off and clinging to her Dad when she saw Jess's face. It was so funny! After that we headed up to Hotel Mondole to meet up with all the other Au Pair's. They had a kids thing going on in the main lobby and then Mondole's Befana comes in. Seriously I was scared. She was walking all slowly down the stairs, hunched over and looking like death. I don't blame Beatrice for screaming and crying because if I was 4 years old I would've been running for the door too. Like I said weirdest holiday ever. When I woke up the next morning I had neither coal or candy in any of my socks. I guess Befana was just as scared of me as I was of her. :)
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