Yesterday, Simona, Mattia and I went to this church with a round dome and then we also went to the tower of Mondovi. It was pretty cool. I really liked the church. This gets me to Mass. Simona's parents were in town this weekend, and they were going to go to Mass, so I decided to tag along.
We made Meatballs in the morning and then we were off to Mass! 10 Minutes before Mass starts I already have a problem. I have to pee like a race horse and after asking Nonna (Grandma) where the banjo is, I get the torturous reply of, “The church doesn't have one.” In order for me to go to the bathroom before the service I have to go outside to one of the local shops. Why did I drink that huge cup of coffee this morning?!? Aios MIO! Nonno (Grandpa) graciously offers to take me back home in order to do my business, but by this time, the choir starts singing. I thank him, but decide to wait it out. Here we go!
The priest comes out and is dressed in this gold and purple dress like thing (?). Not sure what it was. I would love to see Pastor Jonathan in that outfit on Sunday! He would receive some emails I'm sure. The choir boys or whatever they're called, because they never really sung, were in red and white dresses. I think I might be embarassed to wear that, but none of them were. These guys were my source of entertainment throughout the service. I couldn't understand a word of what the priest was saying so I had to find other places to look. If anything, the service was extremely good people watching. The choir boys kept whispering to one another. One looked like he wanted to kill someone. I don't think he was happy to be there. Everytime they would get up off the stage, when they came back, they would bow before this book. Kind of strange. I'm assuming it was the Bible
It was amazing to me that with a town of 6,000 people, Villanova has this huge church right in the middle. It's not your rinky dink kind of church either. The walls and ceilings have beautiful paintings of Biblical scenes, the walls are marble, and marble columns are everywhere in colors of red, gray and green. It's amazing. I also noticed that they do not heat the church. Everyone sits with their coats on. If you don't, you'll freeze. At one point during the service this monk looking guy with kind of a hunchback came around to collect everyone's offering. He carries this thing that looks like a fishing net. He also has a severe under bite. Of course Mattia makes a comment about why his jaw is the way it is and has Nonno and Nonna laughing. By the time I figure out what's being said, I start laughing too. Anyway, He comes down each row giving you the stink eye. I didn't have any euros with me to give, so I just smiled at him. That's when I got the death look. Yikes! The death look from a hunchback monk with a severe under bite. I was a little scared. I'll bring some Euros next time. I did notice that almost everyone gave something. Maybe they were scared of getting the stank eye too. I don't know.
During the service, there was a point where we had to get down and kneel on the benches in front of us. I asked Nonna, “What do we do now” but that was kind of a stupid question, as I could have just followed the crowd. I knelt down and WHOA I felt like I was 85 years old. My knees started to hurt the second I was on the wooden bench and then trying to get back up was also a nightmare! When did I go from 24 to 85? Not sure. That's why I have Mattia around to keep me young and spry! We stood and sat about 5 different times during the service. I just followed like a little lost sheep. They also did communion where the priest puts the little wafer on your tongue. I didn't wait in the long line. I just surveyed the situation. Today was Saint ChinChila day. I'm sure I'm spelling it wrong, but whatever. He's the Patron Saint of Music. There was a band after the service, so we stuck around to hear them play. The whole time I was thinking, “WHERE'S THE BATHROOM!!?!?” I probably won't be revisiting Mass, but maybe. I guess we'll just have to see.
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December 2, 2011 at 11:15 AM
I love the weird monk part!
December 2, 2011 at 1:15 PM
Ahhahahahahahahahaha! This whole experience had me guffawing out loud :-)