When a Foodie Gets Frustrated

Do you remember what I wrote earlier in the beginning of the year? You know, the part about New Year's Resolutions. Well one of the resolutions was to loose 20 lbs. Let me reiterate the LOOSE part. No where in my resolution was their a clause about GAINING 20 lbs!! Okay, okay, so I haven't gained 20 pounds. I supposed I am being a bit over dramatic. But some days it feels like it. What's a girl got to do to loose some weight around here? Well I think I may have the answer to that question.


Three days after I get back from Ireland, me and the family are cruising to Bermuda. Bermuda. An Island. Meaning me. Half. Naked. In. A. Bathing. Suit. Yikes! The very thought makes my little fat cells quiver. I am a foodie. To the very core. I love to eat. I love to go out. Eating food is not only a required activity in order to live, but it is a social experience. "Hey wanna grab lunch?" "Let's go get dessert after work." "It's $2 Appetizers!" I mean seriously people. Instead of going out and eating, why don't we all get together and knit...or play raquet ball. No. We all go out to eat, or invite each other for dinner. It's not helping the waist line in the least bit! You know what else doesn't help? The fact that my three favorite foods are as follows:

Number 1 - PIZZA - Bread and cheese. These two foods must be in heaven. If not...the Lord and I will have words

Number 2 - French Fries with Ranch Dressing - Potatoes fried to a golden crisp topped off by the best dressing this world has to offer.

Last but not least Number 3 - Chicken Salad - A little bit of chicken, grapes, celery, lemon juice, and enough mayonnaise to float a small boat. Nothing better.

You see why it is IMPOSSIBLE for me to loose weight???? My love of food!! But guess what? This love of food and fellowship will have to be put on hold for awhile because I am starting the Special K Challenge. You heard me. I am doing it. Wish me luck. It all starts tomorrow. Well hopefully. Fingers Crossed.

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