The Year of The Concert Take Three

So I haven't written in awhile just because I have been a little busy with life. I am currently involved in our Church Christmas program which is eating up my life and I am in a Managerial Finance class for my Master's Program which is a bear. It's awful and I don't understand any of it. Like seriously. Anyway, back to stuff that is a little more interesting.
I’ve dubbed this year, “The Year of the Concert”, just because I want to see a new band every month. I listen to my music on my iPod or on the radio but there’s nothing like seeing a band live. My quest for concerts started in September with Lady Gaga at the John Paul Jones Arena. I already wrote about that in my previous post so I won’t waste time explaining the details of that one. October was the month I saw Rogue Wave at Cat’s Cradle which was awesome. I stood on the very front row. Close enough to see the googily eyes that one of the stage hands put everywhere. After the show they threw them out into the crowd. I had a great time. I dragged my brother and sister-in-law to see them too and paid for their tickets so they wouldn’t complain too much. The venue was a little different than I expected. Lorrie described it as "dirty sex." Haha…I wouldn’t have described it quite that way, but ya know. To each his own. So this weekend, get ready for the big drum roll I’m going to my November concert. See if you can guess who it is. This particular band, named after the main singer, owns a vineyard in Charlottesville that I went to this summer. The initials of the band can be found in the website for the Internet Movie Database ( Okay if you haven’t guessed it yet, this weekend I’m going to go see Dave Matthews Band with my best friend Jessica! I’m completely stoked! I want to bring my new camera but we don’t really have the best seats considering we waited till the very last minute to get them, and I’m not sure I can convince Shaun to let me borrow his telephoto lens. Ugh…can’t wait! This week has been crazy what with the tree and Ashley’s wedding, but I have been looking forward to DMB all week so this is the icing on the cake! I’ll post later with details about the concert!

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