Oops...I did it again. :) Another concert under my belt! WooHoo! I've been looking forward to this one for awhile. As you can tell, well maybe you can't by the title...I went and saw BRITTNEY SPEARS!! Shaun and I have been trying to get all the big ladies seen this summer (Lady Gaga, Katy Perry, Beyonce' etc.)
In order to continue our journey we HAD to get Brittney! We drove after work on Wednesday to Raleigh, NC to the RBC Center. On our way there we were going to stop at Cookout Burger but we took a different direction and couldn't find one around. So we had to take the alternative and stop at Chik-fil-A. It'll have to do. :) We got to RBC and found our seats. They were pretty good. I'm not going to lie, I did good this time. I even snuck my camera in! Woot Woot! There were these crazy old women who sat in front of us that were all in Easter egg colored wigs. They were really terrible and the one in the purple wig, who we called awful puyple, kept giving us dirty looks. Hate that! The beginning act was Paris and Desiree or
something like that. They were bad. They were from the Disney Channel. Then Pauly D from the Jersey Shore did some DJing. I liked that a lot and danced a lot to it! Loved it! Shaun and I were fist pumping like CR8ZY!! Then Brittney came onto the scene and boy was it a scene! She opened with "Hold it Against Me". And it was good.
There was one song though that she did called "Dropped Dead Beautiful" that had a bunch of naked men on the screen. Weirdest thing ever. I couldn't stop laughing. The song "Toxic" was this Samurai sword number and it was so cool. I also loved the Egyptian themed song she did. Her last song was "Keep On Dancing Till the World Ends" where she ended it with a curtain of like fiery stuff and confetti and she flew up with these wings. So Cool! At the end when we were leaving we blasted Britney Spears on the way out and then I got a picture with the gayest guy dressed in this weird plastic red outfit. Gross but hilarious as you can see! Almost done with the year of the concert. Once September gets here I'll be done, and it will be sad. :( Till next time!
We woke up ridiculously early in order to get Taylor to the airport in time for her flight. 5:30. I don’t do 5:30 ya hear! But I did today. Yuck! After we dropped her off at Hobby airport in Houston we headed to Nawlins! I was so excited about this because I haven’t been to Nawlins or NOLA as it is also known as, since I was ten. So excited to be back. We checked into our hotel located in the heart of the French Quarter called Hotel Monteleone. It’s one of the Historical Hotel Landmarks of America and it is beautiful. Supposedly there is over 30 ghosts that called this Hotel home. CRAZY! After we cleaned up we headed to the streets.
We started our walk to the French Market and found CafĂ© Du Monde on the way. This place has amazing Beignets! We had our Beignets and water and they were amazing!!! After that we were on our hunt for Oysters Rockefellar because Jeanne was having a serious craving. So we walked to Hotel Roosevelt because that’s where her Dad said had the best. Well in the meantime we had a torrential downpour. YUCK! We tried to wait it out under the shelter of a random warehouse, but it was no use so we started booking it to Roosevelt.
When we got there we talked to the Concierge who told us that their hotel restaurant doesn’t even serve Oysters Rockefellar and that their restaurant isn’t even open on Sundays. So we were stuck. But he told us another place we could go that supposedly had the best oysters.
So we run through the storm again this time armed with an umbrella to the trolley station. We took it down to the Hilton Riverside and after running through the rain and the thunder, and the lightning we finally made it to Drago’s in the Hilton. We were all soaked. Come to find out they didn’t even had Oyster Rockefellar. The concierge lied to us! Oh well. We weren’t going anywhere. We started our progressive dinner here and it was a good start. We got Creole oysters, and this amazing cheesy crab dip. After that we hopped on the trolley again and headed to this place called Felix’s.
This was kind of a divey place. The atmosphere was kind of terrible but the food was good. Kelsey and I split Blackened alligator and turtle soup. Oh yummy yumkins. After our main course we headed to Brennan’s for dessert. Home of Bananas Foster. This place had all the atmosphere a person could want. It was fancy pancy. I didn’t know that it was the originator of Bananas Foster, otherwise I think I would’ve gotten that.
But I still got to try it. Our waiter came to our table and made it right there. It flamed up super high when he mixed the banana mixture with the rum. I got Louisiana chocolate pecan pie which was super good too along with Bailey’s coffee that was $10 bucks. YIKES! That’s a little crazy high priced. Our dessert was super yummy.
We then went for a walk and bought souvenirs and pins before getting on our ghost tour.
We met up with the tour at a Flanagan’s Pub which was a creepy weird pub in the French Quarter. We learned about the LaLaurie family which was the freakiest story we heard. This woman and her Doctor husband tortured and mangled their slaves in a room in their home. It was sick the way this woman described it. Yuckity Yuck! She said no one has owned this mansion for very long and she said those who do go a little nuts after owning it. Guess who owns it now? Nicholas Cage.
If you haven’t noticed…he’s been going a little nuts lately. Weird!
She told us another story about this butcher who chopped up his wife and served her to his customers in the 1800’s. SICK! In the middle of our tour there was a domestic violence dispute where a woman was choking a man on the street corner. So our tour guide had to call the cops. CREEPY! Anyway, it was a good tour and our tour guide went to school for theater. We chatted a bit. Went back to our hotel and once again showered. I had to wash the day off of me because I was so super gross. Off to home tomorrow! I’m kinda of super excited about going home. It feels like I’ve been gone for years!
So we woke up to my father doing an impression on the phone of Jason the guy at the Front Desk giving us a wakeup call at 8:00 in the morning. None of us were very happy. We had breakfast at the hotel restaurant named Zocco. So stinkin expensive. My French toast was $12. I mean it was delicious but It wasn’t worth 12 dollars for sure. Afterwards, we walked to some gift shops and left poor ole San Antonio in the dust. Headed back to Jeanne’s parents house and got in some Z’s. Then we were off to dinner at some unknown destination. Seriously they would not tell me where we were going. It was bizarre. Come to find out they were keeping it a secret and we were going to Carrabba’s! I love this place. It’s my favorite chain restaurant ever. Then they pulled the surprise present from under the table. Dad, Jeanne, and Kels got me a KINDLE! I’m so excited because I’ve been wanting one of these for sooo long! Anyway, it was a wonderful date despite the heat and I got lots of birthday presents early. Lucky me! Tomorrow I turn the big 24. YIKES!
Day 6 on our trek through the deep south. I left out a lot in the middle because there wasn’t too many significant happenings. We picked up Taylor in Nacadogshesh and ate at a place there called the Jalapeno Tree since the other restaurant that we wanted to eat at was without power and no air conditioning. In 108 degree weather, AC is a necessity. Like seriously. My Aunt Elaine would probably have gone nuts in that kind of heat. We’re staying in Conroe, TX with Jeanne’s parents who have been extremely nice and hospitable. The last couple of days we’ve just chilled there out by the pool and it has been nice and relaxing. Anything away from work is always wonderful.
Anyway, today, the 6th day of our trip we set out at around 8 this morning to San Antonio, TX. This is about a 4 hours drive from Conroe. I was not looking forward to being in the car for forever, but I was excited about seeing the city for the first time. On our way we stopped at this gas station that Taylor had been raving about. It’s called BucKee’s and it’s like a gas station on crack. It has Dip and Dots, a huge bakery, a huge gift shop, and 49 bathroom stalls just for the women.
Dad spent over 30 dollars just on beef jerky! Yikes! We found our way to this restaurant in San Antonio, that had been featured on the Food Network’s show “Diner’s, Drive-Ins & Dives” called “The Cove”. It was really good. I got a Lamb Burger and all natural Root Beer that was made with Sugar Cane. It wasn’t the best burger I have ever had, but it was pretty stinkin good. I don’t think Jeanne was too impressed, but it was a dive. What can you say? It was a laundramat, car wash, and a restaurant, all in one. It reminded me of the Cavalier, and I don’t know what it is about those places, but I just love them.
We finally found our hotel located on the downtown Riverwalk. We stayed at the Westin, which was simply lovely. After we got ourselves all situated we went to go check out the Alamo. I was really excited about this. Not sure why, but I just was. Taylor was bored within the first 10 minutes. Probably even earlier than that. So Kelsey, Jeanne and Taylor went to the mall. Dad and I stayed there for about an hour and a half and looked at all the exhibits. It was extremely interesting to learn about.
I got myself a pin. I almost passed out at one point due to the heat. It was about 107 and we were outside for a good part of the exhibit. After we were done, and after Dad got yelled at for having his cell phone in the movie we watched, where its posted EVERYWHERE not to have phones, we met up with the other girls at Haagen Daas..We went on a boat tour which was really cool and saw this beautiful 1920’s building that no one occupies due to the crashing of the stock market in 1929 right after it was completed. I guess everyone thought it was bad luck. We also found out that all the basketball players like to stay at our hotel. Woot woot!
After the tour we went to dinner at the Naked Iguana. Good thing too, because wewere all extremely irritable and cranky due to the heat. Went back and pooled it up at the hotel.
I went for a walk by myself & took pictures. It was relaxing. I needed some “me” time and that’s just what I got. Then Kels and I went for a walk by ourselves down to the river. We passed this really creepy guy that was like, “God bless you girls. They don’t make girls like that around here.” CREEP! We went and got dessert at the “Little Rhine Steakhouse” because the people at the other place were rude and didn’t want our business. Afterwards we just hoteled it up and to bed with it we were! San Antonio, I kinda love you.
Day 3 on our Trek through the Deep South
Kels and I got up and had breakfast down at the Castle House which is included in our stay at Dunleith. It was really good too! After that we met Dad and Jeanne for our tour of Dunleith where this little old lady gave us a tour. She said the upstairs rooms were off limits, but that we could go up there if we just wanted to see the wraparound porch since we were guests. And guess who we find up there cleaning all of the rooms? Staci. Haha…just as cynical and sarcastic as ever, but he makes us laugh. He was cleaning all of them so we were able to see every room. They were so stinkin beautiful and all of the rooms had these amazing canopy beds. So we asked him if the rooms were full for the night and he said probably not so Jeanne ran down to the front desk to see if we could get our rooms switched. Come to find out, only one of the rooms in the main house was available to stay in, so we passed. Bummer.
We then went to the Visitors Center where we decided on which houses to see in the area. There were only three that were open on Sunday, so we chose those three. We started out at the Melrose Manor which is owned by the National Park Service. This one was owned by lawyer and planter John T. McMurran who died by jumping off a burning steam boat. SAD!
The thing is with these houses, that they’re beautiful and all, but the stories about the families are all so tragic. This house had a really cool green and red room that I loved. It was the only house where we could take pictures indoors which I liked. Our tour guide was kinda awful though. Worst.
Our next stop was my personal favorite, Stanton Hall. This home was used in the filming of North and South where the rooms where used as Orie Mang’s home. Our tour guide here was kinda awful as well, but she made me laugh because she was so dry and had NO personality whatsoever. I loved this home. It reminded me of a wedding cake. The parlor was the biggest one we’ve seen with this beautifully hand carved red furniture along with all Italian marble fireplaces. The beds in this place are just as gorgeous as the ones in Dunleith. Stanton Hall is also the same house where the movie/TV series North and South was filmed. I'm in the middle of the book series right now, so that was pretty cool. I got to see Orie Maine's bedroom (Patrick Swayzee's character.) We got lunch at the Magnolia Grill down by the Mississippi River. This is where I had severe stomach problems and started pooping my guts out. TMI. I know, but I just had to throw that little tid bit in.
Our last home on our tour of Natchez is called Rosalie. This home is owned by the DAR and has a beautiful view of the river. The Union soldiers when they occupied Nachez used this home as their headquarters. When the soldiers occupied the house the commanding officer put all the beautiful parlor furnishings in the attic in storage so that none of the pieces would be damaged. Thank you sir! I loved visiting all these homes because they took you back to a time in history where things were much simpler and fascinating. We then checked out St. Mary’s Basilica which was cool, got some ice cream and headed back to Dunleith. Sista, Dad and I went
swimming in the pool that was warmer than the air. It was ridiculously hot. Then we napped. Kelsey and I were cracking up laughing because when we first arrived we told Dad how we thought Staci HATED his job. When we got back to the room after swimming we looked at our door knob changer that you can change from "Privacy Please" to "Service Please". Well Staci wrote on ours, "It's what I live for." We were cracking up laughing because he was dry and funny and that just proved it!
After that we had dinner at “Biscuit and Blues” which was the only thing open on Sunday. Natchez turns into a ghost town on Sunday’s. It’s a little scary honestly. There was absolutely NO ONE at Dunleith when we left even though the receptionist said the house was full. No one on the roads, no one working at Dunleith. It was a little eerie and we kept thinking that the rapture happened. Anyway, we ate at the restaurant and I had some of the best biscuits I have ever tasted with this amazing apricot butter. For desert we got Beignets a la Mode with pecans and caramel sauce dripped over it. YUM! After we got our tummies all full went back to my room, took a Jacuzzi bath and went to bed!
Day 2 on our trek through the deep south….
Woke up in our lovely hotel and hit the road. I slept again for awhile in the car which was wonderful! Especially since Jeanne woke me up at 5:30 to get ready for the day. I don’t know how she does that, but she does. It’s kind of insane. On our drive I kept noticing the beautiful clouds and the carribbean blue sky. I just looked out the window and stared. We got into Natchez, Mississippi at around 1:30 and headed straight for Longwood Plantation. Although they don’t call them plantations we found out after taking our evening carriage ride. This place was out of this world cool. The picture at the top is my family in front of the house. It did not look like it belonged in Mississippi because it is modeled off of a Chinese Byzantine temple. It looks almost Moorish. The home was started in 1860 by Haller and Julia Nutt.
Both Millionaires in the south. She took in about 1 million dollars a year in her surrounding plantations and he took in about 3. 4 million dollars in 1860 was a lot of money. Heck, it’s a lot of money now. They had 11 children only 8 of which survived to adulthood. Unfortunately, the home was never finished. The Civil War broke out and all the Philadelphia workers the architect hired headed back north to fight for the Yankees. Hallor Nutt also died in 1864 leaving his widowed wife to tend to the children and an unfinished house. Julia lost all of her riches because she changed her money from Greenbacks to Confederate money and she also didn’t have any useful skills since she was pampered all her life. Poor thing!
Anyway, the house is interesting because the tools left are all still there. The only part of the house that was finished was the basement which totaled an area of 10,000 square feet. It’s the largest octagonal house in all of America. Needless to say it was cool and oh yeah I got myself a pin! Just walking outside to go see the Nutt’s gravesite I got over 9 bug bites on my legs. The bugs are bad here and I kind of hate that about Mississippi. Bugs are EVERYWHERE! After our tour we checked into our Bed & Breakfast called Dunleith which is just as equally cool. It’s an Antebellum home and it is absolutely stunning. Kels and I got to our room and it hadn’t been cleaned so we got poor sarcastic, cynical Staci spelled with a S-T-A-C-I dotted with a heart as he said to move us to a second room that had no air conditioning. Our poor bell boy (Staci) had to then move all our crap to a basement room which wasn’t so bad. Staci definitely did NOT like his job and told us to get something more useful than and English degree, otherwise we’d be stuck here working on an old run down house as he called it.
We’re not actually staying in the main house, but we’re in the slave quarters. For slave quarters they’re really not too shabby! Headed to “Pig Out” on Canal Street for some legit barbeque. It was really good. Went down to the Mississippi river and took some pics. Then of course we had to go back to “Pig Out” and get some Blue Bell Ice Cream. I got the Pralines & Cream and it was SOOO good! Went back to Dunleith and got in the 90 degree pool water. Believe it or not it was actually refreshing after being outside in our 95 degree day.
After that we got a carriage ride around downtown Natchez which was cool and informative. Our tour guide was named Guy and our horse was named Hal. So cute. Kels and I fed him carrots. Hal that is. We learned that 12 out of the 17 millionaires living in America before the war all came from Natchez where Cotton was King. There are over 600 Antebellum homes just in this area which is more than anywhere else in the south. They’re seriously everywhere and I LOVE IT! The Antebellum time period is one of my favorite Historical times to learn about. Came back to our B&B afterwards and crashed. Can’t wait till tomorrow’s adventure!