So I guess you can see that I'm done with the juicing. I did it for about six days. The first day I did all of breakfast, lunch, and dinner, but the juice all day just gave me an awful headache and it was too difficult to power through. I think I did pretty good though. I did breakfast and lunch and then ate an actual meal at dinner time. Word to the wise, never start a diet on a Friday. It is murder. Like for reals. What was I thinking? I kind of don't even know. Now to the second topic...
We are gills and we love to eat.
Work. Work sucks. Everybody knows it. Unless you have an absolutely amazing job where you get paid to do what you love. That's not me. So, the highlight of my work week is lunch. Whether it's walk at lunch, or go out to lunch or just sit and read. I love lunch. Yesterday, Jessica, Jessica and I tried out a new restaurant that I had seen in a local Menu magazine. I am all about local flava so the gills and I went to this new place called Terrace On the James located on the 8th floor of the Bank of the James building. It was real cheap and we got to sit outside which means BONUS! I got a rueben and fries, Jess C got the salad bar, and J.J. got the hot bar. We had one of the nicest waiters and to top it off we did a little bit of dancing on the terrace. Unbeknownst to us, well we did know, but we just decided to ignore, the whole wall outside the terrace was windows where lunch eaters were watching us entertain them with our dancing. Whoopsy! I think this venue would make a great place to have a party! Terrace on the James makes you feel like you have stepped out of Lynchburg for a day. We had a great time and will be planning a trip back soon!
Juice Fast Day 1
So last night I spent the whole evening cutting up pineapple, grapes, tomato’s, carrots, sweet potatoes, celery, apples, blueberries, etc. Why you ask? Because I’m doing a Juice Fast. I spent 3 ½ hours juicing. And let me tell you. It was work. I was a sticky nasty mess. The clean up was terrible but I got it all finished at 12:30 a.m. I weighed myself this morning and my weight scared me. Since no one really reads this I’m going to put the exact number for posterity sake. I weighed 155.2 lbs. I have never been this fat in my life. Like seriously. I use to think 140 was bad, but I would love to be 140 these days. None of my clothes are fitting and I just feel disgusting. So that’s why I am doing the juice fast. To…
Number 1: Detox my Body
Number 2: Loose Weight
My goal is to do the fast for 6 days. This morning I had fresh pineapple orange juice which was so stinkin good, but lunch is a little scary because it’s spinach, tomato and carrot juice. Not really looking forward to that one. Dinner is a little better. It consists of Sweet Potato, tomato, lemon, and onion. I really do want to stick to it though, and I’m going to try my hardest to do so. Wish me luck! Like for Real!
Do you remember what I wrote earlier in the beginning of the year? You know, the part about New Year's Resolutions. Well one of the resolutions was to loose 20 lbs. Let me reiterate the LOOSE part. No where in my resolution was their a clause about GAINING 20 lbs!! Okay, okay, so I haven't gained 20 pounds. I supposed I am being a bit over dramatic. But some days it feels like it. What's a girl got to do to loose some weight around here? Well I think I may have the answer to that question.
Three days after I get back from Ireland, me and the family are cruising to Bermuda. Bermuda. An Island. Meaning me. Half. Naked. In. A. Bathing. Suit. Yikes! The very thought makes my little fat cells quiver. I am a foodie. To the very core. I love to eat. I love to go out. Eating food is not only a required activity in order to live, but it is a social experience. "Hey wanna grab lunch?" "Let's go get dessert after work." "It's $2 Appetizers!" I mean seriously people. Instead of going out and eating, why don't we all get together and knit...or play raquet ball. No. We all go out to eat, or invite each other for dinner. It's not helping the waist line in the least bit! You know what else doesn't help? The fact that my three favorite foods are as follows:
Number 1 - PIZZA - Bread and cheese. These two foods must be in heaven. If not...the Lord and I will have words
Number 2 - French Fries with Ranch Dressing - Potatoes fried to a golden crisp topped off by the best dressing this world has to offer.
Last but not least Number 3 - Chicken Salad - A little bit of chicken, grapes, celery, lemon juice, and enough mayonnaise to float a small boat. Nothing better.
You see why it is IMPOSSIBLE for me to loose weight???? My love of food!! But guess what? This love of food and fellowship will have to be put on hold for awhile because I am starting the Special K Challenge. You heard me. I am doing it. Wish me luck. It all starts tomorrow. Well hopefully. Fingers Crossed.
Well it's the first of May, and what better way to start off the month then with a concert? Jason Derulo was coming to town! I told myself I wasn't going to go, but since it was just 20 bucks and only 15 minutes away, I said why not? I had to go to this one, because it is not often this part of Virginia sees a good concert. So we went. I met up with My sister and her friends Lauren, Kali, Jacquelynn and Rachel. We walk into the venue (a college gym) and see some of the weirdest people there. Like seriously weird. Not to be rude, but, the concert goers were a mixture of Ghetto fabulous, redneck and white trash. Not exactly sure where we fit in with those categories, but it was just funny to look at.
The opener was pretty good. Not something I’d go out and buy, but pretty decent considering the venue and the kind of concert it was. His name was Jerry Evans and Kali and I broke it down on one of the songs that he sang. The transition to Derulo took so freakin long. We were up towards the front but the whole time it was like war to keep our spots. We were packed in tight next to each other and there were these really obnoxious people that kept being like excuse me excuse me in order to move up. One line cutter totally thought he had me, but I pressed up against the person in front of me and they were only able to get a leg through. SUCCESS!! It was kinda fun, but annoying REAl fast. Then this one Mom and her daughter were like all over each other. They seriously had to be high on something or strung out on coke. The guy next to us was making fun of them cause they were seriously making out with one another. It was extremely odd. Then the girl walks up to Sista and says, “Do you want to dance.” All sexy like. And Kelsey just gave her the Kelsey look of death which translates, “Are you seriously talking to me right now? Drop dead.” That kind of a face. Then she asks Kelsey if she’s scared and then moves out into the crowd. Weird. Like I said, very interesting people in that place.
Jason was really good. His back up dancers were pretty good as well. One of the best parts was when he ripped his shirt off. Of course… The last song of the night was “In My Head” which is my favorite. He also did a Michael Jackson number that was fun to watch. One of the songs he pulled a girl up onstage and was all over her! She looked so uncomfortable and her boyfriend was standing in the crowd. It looked like he was going to kiss her and make out. We all felt a little awkward and were glad we didn’t volunteer for the job. Not sure if the concert was worth $20 bucks but it was fun to hang out with Sista for the evening!