This past summer Shaun and I listened relentlessly to two amazing artists. One was Ingrid Michaelson and the other was Sara Bareilles. April's pick for concerts left me ecstatic because Sara Bareilles tour started in May and two weeks into the tour she was going to be in Winston-Salem, NC! Shaun, Jen, and I scooted our butts out of work early and headed towards the southern city. On our way we stopped at Carrabba's which is probably my most favorite Italian restaurant ever. I have been to Italy tasted Italian food there and still Carrabba's remains top on my list. The waiter we had was a little gay, but still nice, and warned us of the snobs of Wake Forest where we were headed. On our way to the ooncert we passed some of the most beautiful homes I have ever seen. On Ticketmaster's website it said the concert was going to be held in the Winston-Salem Entertainment Complex. Come to find out it wasn't and we started to panic because we were lost. I had my GPS, but if you don't know where your going it's hard to get there even with the latest in navigational technology. So, I do it the old fashioned way and stop at Subway to act some old hillbilly woman to direct me to the campus of Wake Forest.
We find it and are all in a tizzy because it's 7:50 and the concert supposedly started at 7:30. We run up to the Wait Chapel where the concert is to be held to be greeted by a huge line that wraps around the campus lawn. So, there's only three of us so we decide to just kind of add to the line. The girls we cut in front of were NOT having it. They started getting pushy about it and were like, "did you guys just cut in front of us?" And I just said yeah we're from Virginia and don't know where to go. Play, the "I'm the lost damsel" card. Nope weren't having it. Just rude. So I just say, are ya'll going to get pissed off if we stay here in line? And the girl just goes "ugh it's whatev." Okay...whatev to you idiot. We've been driving in the car for 2 1/2 hours. We're all going to the same place. Annoying. So we got Jen's ticket at will call and got back in the forever long line. Come to find out we end up getting better seats than those rude girls in line. Take that! HA! Made our way into the Chapel only to hear some of the worst music ever. This girl was cackling like a cat and it was not good. I have had good luck with opening acts lately, but definitely not this girl.
Her name was Ximena Sariana. She was Spanish but was not good at all. We got the best seats ever on the 2nd row except for the fact that there was this really nerdy tall guy standing right in front of the stage blocking our view. The second act was awesome. I loved their rendition of "Put the Lime in the Coconut." The band was called Elizabeth and the Catapult and they were so good! And then there was Sara. Oh Sara. So in referene to my title, one of the first things she gets up and says is, I feel so weird cursing in a chapel, and then proceeds to sing Cee-Lo's song, "F You". Which was funny but still a little inappropriate for a church. She sang Basket Case which I filmed. Oh and that's another thing. When we got there we specifically asked if we could take pictures with our camera.
Then these little bratty girls come up to Shaun and I in the middle of the concert and tell us we can't have our cameras. I'm like umm..the ladies at the front door said we could when we specifically asked. Then she tells me I can speak to her supervisor. I'm like no I'm not going there...we'll just keep our frickin cameras in our purse. So then they came by later and said that they were mistaken and that we could have them. Rude. She played Mumford and Sons, "Little Lion Man" and I felt vindicated because I LOVE THAT BAND but they're going to be in NC while I'm in Ireland. So I won't be able to see them. :( She also played Coldplay's "Yellow" which was awesome. I loved her and the concert so much. I wish it went on longer. On our way home we tried to go to Krispy Kreme but got there at 11:10 pm when they closed at 11. So we tried another one downtown and found out that it was Krispy Kreme headquarters. I was so mad. Oh well. Tried drivin home and not falling asleep although I seriously dozed probably 5 times. Thank you Jennifer Crews for keeping me awake! Work the next morning at 8 :( ICK!
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